WhatsApp plans to introduce Augmented Reality (AR) effects and creative filters for iPhone video calls. The effects aim to improve the user’s experience by making the calls more engaging and interactive instead of seeing just the person’s face.
The New Feature Is Being Tested With The iOS Beta
The news about these new features was released by WeBetaInfo suggesting that the user can soon use these effects on messaging apps.
As per WaBetaInfo, The new feature is being tested with the iOS beta version Moreover, earlier this year, WhatsApp tested AR effects and filters with Android devices and the iPhone tests suggest a launch is close.
The post shared the details of the new features, “Users will be able to personalize their calls by enabling dynamic facial filters, such as a touch-up tool for smoothing skin appearance, and a low-light mode to improve visibility in dim environments.”
AR can improve the users’ experience to a greater extent and WhatsApp plans to integrate this technology into its features.
Features To Improve User’s Experience
The messaging app will feature modes, touch-ups to smoothen your skin and add facial filters just like Instagram, and low-light to help clear your face when the light isn’t the brightest.
Like other call platforms including
Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet, WhatsApp are also testing to change the background option while on calls. The tipster has discovered a testing interface that includes filters, backgrounds, and effects located at the bottom of the calling screen.
Moreover, WhatsApp is planning to improve the design changes that include the option to choose a new color according to the user’s choice for the chat bubble. Additionally, The messaging app is also planning to give users options to discard the phone number and have usernames as their identity.
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