Is Cornstarch Gluten-Free? Does Cornstarch Have Gluten or Not?

Can Cornstarch be a Part of Gluten Free Diet?

Is Cornstarch Gluten-Free? Does Cornstarch Have Gluten or Not?
Is Cornstarch Gluten-Free? Does Cornstarch Have Gluten or Not?

Many people in the US suffer from celiac disease. Gluten is detrimental to them. It destroys their digestive system. Sometimes ingredients aren’t directly made from gluten. But there are chances of contamination while under process due to usage of shared containers or equipment. If you are following a gluten-free diet schedule or if you are vulnerable towards gluten products then you have to be cautious while selecting your cooking ingredients. We need to know whether cornstarch have Gluten or not. Let’s find out is cornstarch gluten-free?

Is Cornstarch Gluten-free

About Cornstarch

Corn is the prime resource of cornstarch.

• To begin with you need corn kernels.
• Next they are ground.
• Then it’s washed properly to segregate the starch away from the oil, fibers, proteins, and various other components.
• The resultant has a lightweight powdery texture.

Cornstarch is one such gluten-free product. It can thus easily be on the list of gluten-free diet aspirers.

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Now, primarily cornstarch is used for cooking. It acts as a very good thickening agent. Even at times, it acts better than flour. Thus using a lesser quantity of cornstarch serves the purpose much better.
Cornstarch is an indispensable part of the preparation of soups and sauces. Mix water with cornstarch. Prepare a solution and then add this into sauces and soups. Keep stirring and boiling until the end product thickens.

Cornstarch can also be used for baking. Prefer not to add cornstarch directly as it may result into clump formation.

Is cornstarch always Gluten-Free?

No, not all of them are gluten-free. Cornstarch originally happens to be gluten-free as it is derived from gluten less corn. But sometimes certain manufacturing agents produce both cornstarch as well as other gluten-containing products like wheat at the same time. In these cases, there is a high probability of contamination. So to avoid such contamination, you can stick with certain popular brands that offer authentic gluten-free items.

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Be Sure about Your Cornstarch

Make sure about the proper certification in the labels of the products. It is important to be assured about the presence of 20 parts per million of gluten. If the list of cornflour ingredients composes of cornstarch or corn, then be assured about the genuineness of the product.


It’s better to take note of certain other gluten-free substitutes that can produce similar effective results in the absence of cornstarch. Arrowroot powder and rice flour can be the closest competitor of cornstarch. Potato starch and flaxseed gel can also be used in this regard.

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